Perkele A Way Out - Cover front

„A way out“ release date 04.10.2013

Addictive! Increased addictive! „Längtan“ was maybe too „special“, „Forever“ for few too smooth. With „A Way Out“, PERKELE, Gothenburg’s finest since 1993 deliver again a street rock’n’roll blueprint, a tailored statement. 10 Old School Anthems Bootboy, a powerful PERKELE stampede of anger and passion. Rough, kickin‘ and damn catchy! PERKELE sounds more snappy again, sounding way more „Swedish“. More ballsy, you know? Their sound is based on own masterpieces, combines the aggro edge of „Voice of Anger“ with the golden singalongs of „Confront“ and the amazing melodies of „Forever“. Add dirty UK’79 Basics, grippy R’n’R traditionals and a significant working class/Way of Life Message. Harsh lyrics from the street, antisocial for Life! Having a say: The ACAB-smasher „He loves violence“ hit the point, the greed society gets with „Dedicated to nothing“ their dedication spit in the face. But there’s not only Contra also Pro : „Believe“ makes clear what matters: „Never lose your pride, never lose your strength, Never lose your hope, never lose the faith, Never stop – believing in your self!“ And having a laugh: „I wanna be mainstream, give me your money“. And there’s enough time for party: „The boots will dance tonight, to the sound of the street“. That’s a promise. „A way out“ provides the new anthems of the streets. Addictive anthems. (by Paradise / Spirit of the Streets Records)

Pre-Order here:

2 thoughts on “New Album

  1. Damon

    I`am fucking excited. The best thing is. the new album sounds harder. I love those songs.

    Cheers and all the best from Germany

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